Mass Content 1.1

Mass Content 1.1 : Aynı anda birden çok kategori, bölüm, içerik, menü vb. oluşturmak artık çok kolay. site içeriğiniz çok zengin ve tek tek menülerle, kategori, bölüm ve içeriklerle uğraşmak zaman alıyorsa bu bileşeni kullanabilirsiniz. Joomla 1.0 ve 1.5 Native uyumlu olan bu bileşen işinizi kolaylaştıracak ve size zaman kazandıracaktır...

Üretici: Johann Eriksen

Mass Content 1.1 - İndir

**Latest News**
Now the Wysiwyg editor is also available for Joomla 1.0.X :)

Many of you were waiting for this feature to be available: the Wysiwyg editor!! You just need to activate it in the parameters of the component. Hope you will like it!

This extension will allow you to:
- create multiple pages(static and non static) with only titles
- add these pages to a section and a category
- link the created pages to a menu
- add some intro text
- edit some parameters (published, access level..)
- create multiple sections and categories with a similar way
- delete content, categories and sections
Only a couple of clicks are needed!

Hope you will save time when you begin a new Joomla project :)

Please use the forum of
Mass content for Joomla 1.5


Mass content for Joomla 1.0.X
**Version 1.1**
added Wysiwyg editor
Possible to paste HTML code
added meta information
added creation and publications date
added configuration parameters

Mass content for Joomla 1.0.X
**Version 0.7**
added Wysiwyg editor
Possible to paste HTML code
added meta information
added creation and publications date

I want to thank , without them Mass content would probably not exist...